Dec 30, 2009

Finishing old stuff...

Like the title said... Bringing new life to old, unfinished, stuff...

Starting a pseudo-sketchbook...

So, I started this very healty habit of taking with me everyday a notebook to sketch things while I'm on train, or bus or at restaurant or... Well, you got the idea...
And so far I've done only few random sketches, but I think it's a very good habit to start drawing again so often and everywhere... It feels good! :)

Mar 10, 2009

Peter Pan...

Well, since the book is finally out, I can post these...

I did the illustration for the cover of the Italian version of "Peter Pan and the starchasers" (or something along those lines...)

The illustration is a digital painting based on a picture provided by the client.

The logo is almost entirely 3D and it's based on a concept made by my friend Andy...

Hope you like it!

'Nother sketch

Feb 11, 2009

I did something!!!

This should mean that I'm still alive!
YAY! Good news then!!!

...I guess °_°